Pine cones varenye with cedar nuts ml


Pine cones varenye with cedar nuts is cooked according to the original recipe of Siberian taiga inhabitants. It is made of selected kernels only, those from the strongest cedars of the Krasnoyarsk Territory forests. Such a varenye has been widely used in the treatment of various diseases since ancient times. Cedar nuts are known to be high in almost a complete set of microelements essential for health, as well as protein, B complex vitamins and vitamin E. Thanks to pine syrup peculiarities and the cooking process, the nuts become tastier, juicier, and absorb even more health-promoting properties. Pine cone varenye and cedar nuts have many health-promoting properties: anti-cold, immunostimulating, expectorant, phytoncide effects. Varenye is high in minerals, vitamins, thereby it strengthens the organism. Coniferous wood helps to effectively fight bacteria, viruses, improves tone, improves mental health, enhances efficiency. It is recommended in case of upper respiratory tract diseases. o B complex vitamins help to normalize the work of the heart. Thanks to the tannin in coniferous cones, the product prevents effectively the development of cerebral thrombosis. Cedar nut kernels are rich in B complex vitamins, vitamin E and K, as well as iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, copper and especially manganese. Ingredients: Young pine cones, cedar nuts, sugar, citric acid, spices.

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