Taiga honey ml


Taiga honey by Nectar AgroFarm is a real storehouse of healthy substances and vitamins, which has absorbed all the healing properties of taiga melliferous plants. Bees of our apiary collect for honey making the nectar of such taiga plants like angelica, hawthorn, milk thistle, wild raspberry, currant, sweet clover, cornflower, meadowsweet, willow herb, mint, sea buckthorn, sage, angelica ursina, wild strawberry. The resulting product may not be sugar-coated for a long time and remains liquid. Taiga honey is used in the treatment of the nervous system and heart diseases, as a preventive and therapeutic agent for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. It improves the resistance of the human body to various infections. The keg is made of linden. There is a laser engraving with a Siberian theme on the outside of a keg. It is treated with beeswax inside. The lid is hermetically sealed with natural beeswax. Such a keg with Siberian honey can be an excellent gift for friends, acquaintances and work colleagues.

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