Kuril tea g


Kuril tea has a calming effect. It helps to quickly recover from illness. Cinquefoil has a mild sedative effect: relieves anxiety, improves sleep. Kuril tea has many beneficial properties: ⦁ improves the state of the nervous system, helps to cope with depression; ⦁ normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; ⦁ strengthens the immune system, fights against pathogens; ⦁ helps to remove accumulated fluid from the body; ⦁ treats diseases of the oral cavity ( stomatitis, periodontitis); ⦁ stabilizes blood pressure; ⦁ heals diabetes mellitus; ⦁ has an antiviral effect, fights the symptoms of flu and colds; ⦁ fights dermatological diseases, restores the integrity of the skin. Sayan Tsvetnick Company offers a large selection of green unfermented Sayan teas. Assortment includes Sayan teas without additives and with additives such as thyme, Sagan-Daila, currants, oregano, mint and meadowsweet. Cooking method: brew up 1 teaspoon of a tea per 200 ml, 90°C water temperature, brew for 10-15 minutes. Contra-indications: • Individual intolerance; • Allergy; • Not recommended for pregnant and nursing women, children.

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